Friday, September 12, 2008

7 Months Old

Lily & Grace turned 7 months old today! I can't believe how big they are getting. They have accomplished a lot of things lately like rolling over and sitting up. Lily is content sitting and playing with her toys. Grace, on the other hand, can't sit still and wants to be constantly moving. Only problem is that she can't crawl yet which frustrates her. She is trying though! Grace also has her two bottom teeth. Nothing yet for Lily. The girls love to play in their exersaucers. They jump up and down while laughing at each other. Its so cute!

Right now they both weigh about 17 pounds, which is in the 55th percentile. They are still my little shorties with Lily at 25.5 inches and Grace at 26 inches (20-25th percentile). They have huge heads though! Their head size is in the 90th percentile. Good thing I had them via C-section! =)

We have two beautiful and healthy 7 month old baby girls. Alan & I are so blessed!!

1 comment:

sharpt said...

Your girls are GORGEOUS! Thanks for the updates! Jon told me a little rumor about the possibility of the 4 of you moving to MN. How awesome would that be to raise our kiddo's together?! Love to you all! T, J, H & E